Welcome to TRP Digital Services

Lets take your business to the front page of google for relevant traffic

TRP Digital offers quality SEO solutions to help companies acquire online visibility and business growth.

If we can only focus on one approach from the digital marketing universe, it would be SEO. PPC and email marketing are all great, but you can’t beat the steady stream of free earnings and leads SEO can provide. It may take some significant effort up front, but SEO will pay dividends for the life of your business. Whether it’s us or somebody else, you can not go wrong hiring a talented SEO agency.
It’s not as complicated as it might seem. SEO is simply the practice of optimizing websites and web content for search engines in order that they could rank as high as possible in search results.

What We Offer

Technical SEO

Robots.txt Creation/optimization
Google XML Sitemap
301 & 404 redirects
Site Structure Analysis
Duplicate Pages
Initial Audit Analysis
Keyword Research
Title Tag Optimization
Meta Description Tag Optimization
Meta OG Tags Optimization
Schema Markup Implementation
Broken Link Check
Custom 404 Error Page Creation
Image Alt Text
Existing Content Optimization
Internal Linking Optimization
H1, H2 & H3 Tag Optimization
Search Engine Friendly Url’s
Website Speed Optimization
Google Business Page Setup
Google Analytic Setup
Google Webmaster Setup
Bing Webmaster Setup
Google Analytics Goal Setup
URL structure optimization

Link Building

Business Profile Creation
Business directories
Blog creation & update (On Site)
Social Media Profile Optimization
Video creation
Video submissions
Infographic creation
Infographic submission
Question & Answer
Micro Blogging
Content Outreach
Social bookmarking
Classifieds Submission
Photo Sharing
Search Engine Submission


Keyword Ranking Report
Website UI/UX Suggestions
On-Page SEO Recommendation Report
Google Analytic & Webmaster Report

Take your business to next level now.

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